
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Radiation No More!

Psalm 107:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

February 13th marked my 30th and last radiation treatment! Casey and I had a delicious celebration breakfast at the pancake pantry after my final treatment.

Originally, I thought I had 25 treatments, but my final plan had 30. I am beyond thankful that my side-effects are very minimal. I feel pretty worn down all the time, and have some slight hair loss, where the radiation occurred, but if those are my only side-effects, I can deal with that all day! The recovery from radiation will take 4-6 weeks. Thankfully, I am able to continue working—I just take a nap or two whenever I can! From here where do we go? I will meet with my Neurosurgeon and Radiation Oncologist every 4-6 months, and get an MRI every 6 months.

I personally thank all those who have walked beside me and thanks to the Lord God almighty who has led me on this Journey.

1Peter 6-7 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief and all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed..

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Journey Continues

Tomorrow I start radiation just as a preventive measure. My recent scan shows no sign of the tumor. Praise GOD; He is good! I will undergo 25 treatments, five days a week for the next five weeks at Vanderbilt. Please continue to keep the prayers coming. With Love, Cliff and Casey

Friday, November 16, 2012

In Awe of the Almighty God

A week ago today, I underwent my second brain surgery, a craniotomy. The procedure temporarily removed part of my skull near my cerebellum, so Dr. Sills could attempt to remove the tumor, located in the middle of my brain. Success! They were able to remove the entire tumor, piece by piece! As you know the tumor is a ‘Tweener.’, so we have to wait for the pathology reports before we get the final clear. There is a small chance I may have to undergo radiation to remove some of the tumor. Dr. Sills equated it to a weed in your yard, you may pull the weed, but some of the seeds may remain behind and cause problems.

I was told the surgery would leave me with double vision and impaired balance; in fact Dr. Sills reminded my family while I was in post-op that I would experience these side effects, BUT I was completely healed by the ONE HEALER, our savior Jesus Christ. I awoke from surgery with no double vision and very slight balance issues. The Drs. were amazed that I had no side effects, but we who relied on the power of prayer, knew the mighty protector would not waiver. Also, I was to be in the hospital 4-5 days, but I was released on the third day!

Again, I want to thank everyone for all the prayers, thoughts and kind words, every single one has been felt! Thank you for your embraces. I stand in awe of the mighty Lord our God, and only hope you experience his unfailing love and compassion. God is Good. Remember true joy comes from relationships and loving others. Interaction with your friends, loved ones, family and Christ will provide you with comfort, peace and healing.

Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive. Matthew 21:22

“And He said…’Your faith has made you well; go in peace.’’ Luke 8:48

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Still Doing Great!

Cliff went for his first PT appointment today. It was great. They are going to work with him a little on balance and regaining full range of motion in his neck. He's still resting most of the day, but goes up and down the stairs and wherever he wants, whenever he wants. Keep sending prayers his way for a continued speedy recovered.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Cliff is home! We were discharged today and Cliff is feeling good.

Going Home

So Cliff has been such a stellar patient that he is going home today! He should be discharged by late morning. YAY!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jet's Pizza...Yum

Thanks Travis for the Jet's Pizza. I brought some up to Cliff last night. He loves it. Much better than the questionable dinner they served him.